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In practice, most healthcare institutions in a number of sectors have more than one supplier or system active in the treatment. However, the architecture for the Verpleegkundige Overdracht is based on only one sender and one receiver.

An example of this is elderly care, where the client administration, care dossier, treatment dossier, pharmacy dossier, etc. are often used side by side when treating a client. These systems also exchange data with each other, but the landscape is very diverse and differs per healthcare institution.

A note about terminology: several terms are used depending on the source: where Nictiz talks about an XIS, Nuts talks about a Vendor, and is often referred to as a Supplier in consultation. In this piece I follow the Nuts terminology: so a 'Vendor' for supplier/XIS, a 'Customer' for Organisation/care provider, etc. I abbreviate the Verpleegkundige Overdracht - also known as eOverdracht - to Overdracht (Transfer).