Workspaces provide a place to share information for people working together on use-cases and projects.
Samenwerken Huisarts en Thuiszorg
Hier werken we samen aan diverse use-cases ter bevordering van de samenwerking tussen huisarts en thuiszorg.
Help wanted
This book lists the various roles and tasks that can be fulfilled by in-kind contribution or volunteers.
Community Based Development
Community Based Development is een benadering van samenwerking waarbij onafhankelijke partners met een gezamenlijk doel hun ont...
Actiz architectuurwerkgroep
WG: Multiple vendor
In English. This workgroup will resolve challenges that are related to multiple vendors providing services to a single care org...
WG: Credential Issuance and Presentation
The new publications of the OpenIDConnect standards for credential issuance and presentation allows for standardized flows. Thi...
WG: Authorization Flows
Can we standardize the several flows related to becoming authorized to acces certain resources?