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De wiki maakt gebruik van de concepten shelves (planken), books (boeken) en pages (pagina's). Pagina's kunnen dan weer gegroupeerd worden onder een chapter (hhofdstuk). Net zoals bij gewone boeken zou je kunnen zeggen. In deze wiki moet de content op een pagin...



Het maken van pagina's gaat met behulp van een zogenaamde wysiwyg editor. Dit staat voor What You See Is What You Get. Aan de linkerkant is de invoer en aan de rechterkant is een voorbeeld van hoe het er uit gaat zien. De editor bevat geen opties zoals je miss...

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Problem definition

WG: Multiple vendor

A healthcare organisation usually has a multitude of vendors providing digital services. In some cases a use-case requires multiple systems. It could also be the case that certain data could be usefull to display in different systems. Without support for handl...

2023-01-16 Scope

WG: Multiple vendor Meeting notes

This meeting was scheduled to determine the scope of the challenge and to make sure it was covered from multiple angles. 4 different vendors attended the meeting. Resources Video available @ youtube Presentation available Conclusion The following points were c...

2023-02-08 Trust & functional brainstorm

WG: Multiple vendor Meeting notes

This live meeting was scheduled to get a first sense of direction. 2 subjects were on the agenda: how can one vendor trust the authorizations of another vendor within the same organisation context? And, what feature would allow authorizations to be used by mul...

2023-02-14 Technical team discussion

WG: Multiple vendor Meeting notes

With the Nuts technical team, consisting of the highest nuts-node code contributors, we discussed on how this feature could be supported. The following points have become clear from the discussion: AuthorizationCredentials will still be issued from and to a D...

2023-03-16 Working group periodic update

WG: Multiple vendor Meeting notes

Agenda Access token request templating filtering Access token request Currently RFC014 had a line in ยง4.2: The credential issuer equals the sub field of the JWT in the access token request. This will probably have to change to the issuer must be trusted for ...

Autorisaties volgens Nuts


Om gegevens te kunnen uitwisselen zullen twee (computer) systemen moeten samenwerken. Het bronsysteem zal daarbij het bevragende systeem toegang moeten verlenen. Of er nu gebruikers bij betrokken zijn of niet, uiteindelijk zijn het systemen die de gegevens uit...

Autorisatie en toestemmingen


Op de vorige pagina is te lezen wat een autorisatie volgens Nuts precies is. Toch zien we dat er vaak een vergelijking wordt gemaakt tussen Nuts en toestemmingsvoorzieningen. Deze vergelijking klopt niet. De Nuts node levert slechts input voor de autorisatie s...

First proposal

WG: Multiple vendor Design

This page contains a proposal that could solve the problem. It does not have all the details worked out yet. Using credential request The credential request flow is part of the OIDC4VCI specification and will be implemented by the Nuts node. It's also used in ...

Enterprise Architect (2 FTE) (draft)

Help wanted

As enterprise architect, you will mainly be involved in national discussions on standardisation and normalisation. You'll be involved with various generic topics like localisation, consent, authentication, authorisation and more specific topics. Within these t...

OSS Developer (2+ FTE)

Help wanted

As Open-Source Software developer you work on the Nuts Specifications and the various Open-Source Github repositories. Help is needed across the entire suite of Nuts activities: defining specifications reference implementation development demo/poc development...

Nuts Application Engineer (2+ FTE)

Help wanted

As a Nuts Application Engineer, you will act as a link between software providers, the Nuts network and other standardization organizations. You will support the conception, description, and development of applications that use the Nuts network. Your role enco...