Recently Updated Pages
Example AccessToken introspection
Example of an accessToken introspection response. This functionality is currently work in progres...
Nuts Organization Support (0.5 FTE) (draft)
As a Nuts Organization Support specialist, you will be the backbone of our daily operations. This...
OSS Developer (2+ FTE)
As Open-Source Software developer you work on the Nuts Specifications and the various Open-Source...
Hacker (1 FTE) (draft)
Technical Support (1 FTE)
A technical support role is all about running the OS reference implementation within a certain (c...
Documentation specialist (shared role)
We're all Documentation Specialists! Documentation is all about knowledge sharing. For it to be a...
Community Based Development omarmt de realiteit op een open, inclusieve en integrale manier
Community Based Development (CBD) omarmt de realiteit op een open, inclusieve en integrale manier...
Community Based Development werkt goed in een omgeving die complex van aard is
Community Based Development werkt goed in een omgeving die complex van aard is. Iets is complex a...
Inleiding - Introduction
Community Based Development is een benadering van samenwerking waarbij onafhankelijke partners me...
Proposal for EmployeeIdentity means
This document is still in draft and is subject to change. Some parts are still WIP and both the E...
Authorization request
Note: Work in progress! The process of requesting the authorization to perform operations on a se...
First proposal
This page contains a proposal that could solve the problem. It does not have all the details work...
2023-03-16 Working group periodic update
Agenda Access token request templating filtering Access token request Currently RFC014 had a li...
Options 1 and 2 cannot be realized within the current timelines of the Inzicht scheme and are als...
Additionally: sending the Overdracht
The directions discussed in the breakout session focused on receiving Transfers. But when using m...
Incidentally, solution directions 1), 2) and 3) are not mutually exclusive: they could co-exist w...
3) Send the Overdracht to one party
This option was not discussed again in the breakout session. Do not solve the problem with Nuts, ...
2) Send the Overdracht to all Vendors
An addition to the Nuts Bolt process where if the same Customer is registered with multiple Vendo...
1) Client administration as the central pivot
The idea is that the Overdracht is always sent to the Vendor where the administration is done: th...
Solution directions
In the breakout session, two options were briefly discussed but not elaborated in detail. I descr...