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OAuth2 Flows and Wallets

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Nuts supports a custom OAuth2 flows for acquiring an access token: the service-to-service flow. S...

Updated 1 month ago by Wout Slakhorst

V6 configuration without V5 features


The configuration below show a minimal nuts.json config file: did:nuts disabled, did:web enable...

Updated 1 month ago by Wout Slakhorst

Nuts Node Configuration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case

A use case writer supplements you with a number of artifacts, that need to be configured: Servic...

Updated 1 month ago by Rein Krul

Access Policy (TODO)

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Anti-patterns Bad: "Clients can access /Observation, but the FHIR server has to limit it to /Ob...

Updated 1 month ago by Rein Krul

Local v5 Nuts node with Ngrok


This documentation only applies to use cases requiring the Nuts gRPC network (did:nuts DIDs). ...

Updated 1 month ago by Rein Krul

Lokalisatie in netwerkzorg hoogover


Context Binnen netwerkzorg is vaak bekend wie de andere behandelaren zijn. Dit kan worden geïnven...

Updated 1 month ago by Steven van der Vegt

Notified Pull gebaseerd op FHIR subscriptions


Achtergrond Het Notified Pull (NP) communicatiepatroon stelt een initiatiefnemer in staat gegeven...

Updated 2 months ago by Steven van der Vegt

Feature additions

Nuts Node v6 101

Nuts node v6 brings a set of changes that provide improved functionality over already existing fe...

Updated 2 months ago by Rein Krul

Searching the Discovery Service

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Updated 5 months ago by Rein Krul

Discovery Service Registration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Updated 5 months ago by Rein Krul

Discovery Service Configuration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Updated 5 months ago by Rein Krul

Community Shepherd (1 FTE)

Help wanted

Primarily, your role involves facilitating the Nuts value network and the support team. With the ...

Updated 6 months ago by Wout Slakhorst

Nuts Application Engineer (2+ FTE)

Help wanted

As a Nuts Application Engineer, you will act as a link between software providers, the Nuts netwo...

Updated 6 months ago by Wout Slakhorst

Nuts journalist (0.5 FTE)

Help wanted

As a Nuts journalist, your role will be pivotal in shaping our online presence and public messagi...

Updated 6 months ago by Wout Slakhorst

Bouwblok service discovery

Actiz architectuurwerkgroep

Resultaat van een eerste schets sessie: Inventarisatie van rollen, processen, systemen en transac...

Updated 6 months ago by Wout Slakhorst


Actiz architectuurwerkgroep

(nog te verplaatsen naar wiki) Project brief Werkafspraken inspiratie Kunnen we onze specificatie...

Updated 6 months ago by Steven van der Vegt

Authenticatie risicoanalyse

Samenwerken Huisarts en Thuiszorg

Situatie Fictieve case: huisartsen inzage geven in cliëntdossiers van cliënten wijkverpleging van...

Updated 7 months ago by Steven van der Vegt

Zorgtoepassingsprofiel inzage huisartsgegevens door VVT

Samenwerken Huisarts en Thuiszorg

Updated 7 months ago by Daan Verbree

Zorgtoepassingsprofiel taakuitwisseling

Samenwerken Huisarts en Thuiszorg

Updated 7 months ago by Daan Verbree

Enterprise Architect (2 FTE) (draft)

Help wanted

As enterprise architect, you will mainly be involved in national discussions on standardisation a...

Updated 7 months ago by Wout Slakhorst