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AuthN using Verifiable Credentials

To successfully negotiate an OAuth2 access token, the token issuer (OAuth2 Authorization Server) will ask the client to present Verifiable Credentials. Nuts uses DIF Presentation Exchange for requesting and presenting credentials during authentication. It's used by the service-to-service (vp_token bearer) OAuth2 flow. It is also used by Discovery Services to restrict what can be registered on it.

Presentation Definition

The party requesting a presentation, typically during access token negotiation, provides a Presentation Definition to the credential wallet. The Presentation Definition specifies which credentials the wallet must provide. If the wallet can't fulfill the definition, access token negotiation will fail.

NutsCareOrganization example

Below is an example Presentation Definition specifying a NutsOrganizationCredential, not restricted to a specific issuer. It specifies the following:

  • Only JSON-LD Verifiable Credentials are supported, which must be signed through JsonWebSignature2020
  • No restrictions on the Verifiable Presentation format
  • Credential type must be NutsOrganizationCredential
  • credentialSubject of the credential must an object organization with string properties name and city.
  "format": {
    "ldp_vc": {
      "proof_type": [
  "id": "pd_any_care_organization",
  "name": "Care organization",
  "purpose": "Finding a care organization for authorizing access to medical metadata",
  "input_descriptors": [
      "id": "id_nuts_care_organization_cred",
      "constraints": {
        "fields": [
            "path": [
            "filter": {
              "type": "string",
              "const": "NutsOrganizationCredential"
            "path": [
            "filter": {
              "type": "string",
              "filter": {
                "type": "string"
            "path": [
            "filter": {
              "type": "string"
            "path": [
            "filter": {
              "type": "string"

Authorizing Access Tokens through Presentation Exchange

The following example requires a

See the DIF Presentation Exchange specification for more information.