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12 total results found

OAuth2 Scopes and Presentation Definition Mapping

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Scope design When designing a system that uses OAuth2, you have to decide how scopes map to resources that the client will attempt to access. "Resource access" is typically a specific REST-style HTTP operation on a specific URL, e.g. POST /products/staplers/1....

OAuth2 Flows and Wallets

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Nuts supports a custom OAuth2 flows for acquiring an access token: the service-to-service flow. Service-to-Service flow Credentials that are presented during this flow are subject to legal organizations (e.g. registered care organizations). This flow uses a cu...

AuthN using Verifiable Credentials

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

To successfully negotiate an OAuth2 access token, the token issuer (OAuth2 Authorization Server) will ask the client to present Verifiable Credentials. Nuts uses DIF Presentation Exchange for requesting and presenting credentials during authentication. It's us...

Credential Trust

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Authentication on Nuts heavily depends on trusted credential issuers: any attribute, revelant to the security model of the use case should be verifiable. E.g., if a party claims to be a care organization, it should be able to present a Verifiable Credential to...

Service Discovery

Designing a Nuts Use Case

A party often exchanges data through its API endpoints. If a client only has the party's name or identifier, it needs to find the API endpoints. Service Discovery via the Nuts node let clients find involved parties and additional information, like API endpoint...

Discovery Service Configuration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Discovery Service Registration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Searching the Discovery Service

Implementing a Nuts Use Case Discovery Services

Access Policy (TODO)

Designing a Nuts Use Case Authorization

Anti-patterns Bad: "Clients can access /Observation, but the FHIR server has to limit it to /Observation?patient=XYZ" Requires transformation of the HTTP request at the Policy Enforcement Point. Better: TODO Bad: "Clients can update the FHIR resource at /Ta...

Nuts Node Configuration

Implementing a Nuts Use Case

A use case writer supplements you with a number of artifacts, that need to be configured: Service Discovery definitions Policy definitions This page details how to configure each artifact. Warning: do not alter these artifacts after receiving them, as they s...

Requesting Access

Implementing a Nuts Use Case

To access APIs secured through Nuts, callers need an access token issued by the OAuth2 Authorization Server of the API owner. This page describes how to acquire an access token. Requesting Service Access Token This section describes which value(s) need to be s...

Use Case Activation / Discoverability

Implementing a Nuts Use Case

After configuring the Nuts node with the required artifacts, the use case can be activated for a subject. This means activating the related Discovery Service for the subject, making them discoverable. Pre-requisites: You have created a subject for the organiz...