Obtaining credentials
After you created a subject with some DID documents, it's time to give meaning to these identifiers. Without Verifiable Credentials, DIDs are just useless identifiers. They receive meaning when another party issues credentials to one of those DIDs. Attestations in the credentials will later be used for authentication & authorization.
Issue a Verifiable Credential
With the Nuts node, you can issue any kind of credential from one of your subjects to any resolvable DID (did:nuts, did:web, did:key and did:jwk). What the meaning of the credential is and how it can be used is determined by the use case.
POST /internal/vcr/v2/issuer/vc
"@context": "https://nuts.nl/credentials/v1",
"type": "NutsOrganizationCredential",
"issuer": "did:web:example.com:iam"iam:issuer",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:web:example.com:iam:657f064a-ebef-4f0f-aa87-88ed32db3142",
"organization": {
"name": "Care bears",
"city": "Care town"
"withStatusList2021Revocation": true
The withStatusList2021Revocation
option allows for credential revocation.
"name":"Care bears",
"city":"Enske",Care "name":"House of Pain"town"
Load a Verifiable Credential
The Nuts node currently doesn't support a new (Nuts network is deprecated) method for exchanging Verifiable Credentials from issuer to holder. The issuer will have to send the credential to the holder out-of-band. The holder can then upload the credential:
POST /internal/vcr/v2/holder/did:web:example.com:iam:657f064a-ebef-4f0f-aa87-88ed32db3142/vc
"name":"Care bears",
"city":"Care town"